Saturday, 12 April 2008


I'm going to revert back to my old sleeping habits form now on.

the daily sleeping ffrom 9pm to 2pm and then waking up to do work is killing my body. i cannot help it but it's my body alarm clock. i either wake up at 1 or 2 plus am automatically!

and now, i'm suffering sleep paralysis when i wake up conscious but unable to talk or move my limbs for almost half a's freaky i tell you.

it seems to happen when one's body is experiencing extreme fatigue and desperately has the urge to sleep?

i guess my body is still not used to my changed sleeping and waking-up time.

yeah. for my health, rachel has decided to sleep by say 1 every night.

sch's really killing me.

it's such a dreadful day everyday.sighss.

i wanna A levels to end like real soon!!!!AHHHHH!