Thursday, 22 January 2009

thank god it's friday. last day of work and chinese new year to look forward too=D work has been rather fun cos i got to tok to more ppl and i can now recognise many of them by their names. hahaha! everyday is just " (XXXXXX)( my company name) Good Afternoon." " just a moment please"...etcetc. i'm so looking forward to cny plus all the goodies. it's quite funny that i kept telling my mum not to buy soo many goodies this year. but we still end up having too much. too much for a family of 3. hope that realtives who come eat more of them.

anyway, ytd i waited a whole 30 minutes for the freaking bus to arrive and ended up being a litle late for work. but the strange thing is i always reach the bus stop at the same time. so that particular bus driver must be slacker. SLACKER!booos!! so today i was at the busstop and i recalled one of my church friend saying how she gt to believe in god. " God if you are God turn the light of the water flask or boiler RED( i think which means when the water boil it will turn form yellow to red). and it turned RED very soon or immediately. hhahaa! so today i did the same thing" God, if you are God let my 257 come quickly. " and in less a min. 257 came . " hMMMM. sth to ponder on....

then to think about it. i thought i heard in church that you shouldnt say anything "if" when requesting sth from God. cos god can do to me, it's quite confusing...some things to me are always quite puzzling. i always have questions for everything. like how when i study chem. there's always me asking why this and why that. and my sis always say i shld just accept things as how they are. sometimes i feel that i think too much. not in the good sense though. unneccessary questioning that doesnt do anything gd to me.

And Anyway... i am stilll very unsure whet i wanna study. too many uncertainties especially issues abt whether i will enjoy what i study or whether that will guranteee me a job in the future. sucks.or whether i can get into course that i would like. and i wouldnt want my results out any time soon. i cant bear the thought of going through the wait in the hall with all the speeches and ppl going up stage with brillant results and sitting down there waiting for ages just for that lousy result slip.

as of now, i just cant wait for cny goodies and the week off next week. no work!!!!=DDDDD


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