Tuesday, 29 June 2010

hao fan ah!!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Talk about overprotection these days. how parents wouldnt want their child to be exposed to any risks or dangers. even minor ones. i'm not entirely keen on this mindset. shouldnt a child be allowed some sense and experience of how the world is like.

"Why would you want to do this. this isnt good. It's risky. What if this or that happens.No dont do it........"
(but of course that dosent apply to illegal actions.if not parents should definitely intervene.)

A child constantly under the protection and denial of any tough work will not grow up. she/he will always be in his/her bed of roses thinking the world is a sweet place. ok. maybe not. It's just the parents wishes to keep him out of any misfortunate situations which might happen. Keep the children under their wings and out of any harm. Good? Bad? HMM

some would want to experience similar things so common to some others. it's probably not considered " risky", so trivial in fact. just a nod " yeah. No problem i can do it. " final nod final decision. no comments no disagreements. chopchop. done.

A little biased towards a topic like this. Parents should just loosen up a little. With some limit though and it will be fine!

Stark contrast between the different generations.

A baby just started on his first steps. He fell.
The older generations frantically rushed forward with many " aiyos". More worried if he had injured himself.

The younger generation calmly gave words of encouragement" it's okay. Stand up and walk again".
Thumbs up!If you dont fall you never learn to walk!


Friday, 18 June 2010



Tuesday, 15 June 2010

It's alright to fail because it makes u work harder. and when u look back, u realise how much u have grown from these failures and how you conquered them =)failures are nothing!

It's a little hard to give others encouragement when you arent the best person to give advice.

let's work hard!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Am contented with the life that God has given me.
It isnt happening nor wowwowwow. But at least to look forward to the next day is happy enough even though i'm not busy with anything.

I love my mundane and nua life.=D
Let it be as laidback as possible this remaining months. I love this feeling.


enjoy ur holidays friends!

Saturday, 12 June 2010

i wanna horse ride again!=(

Saturday, 5 June 2010

korea has been very fun! BUTBUTBUT i just washed one of my contact lens down the sink! grahhhhhhh! clumsy hands. =(

Thursday, 3 June 2010

kimchi land in abt 9 hours. =D

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

heading to the airport in 12 hours time. I AMMMM SOOOO EXCITED. to see korea and sis as well. 5 months alone doing work at night is quite miserable. and now i can kajiao her as much as possible when she is back.

excitingggg. cant wait to devour a bowl of bibimbap and lots of kimchi.

okays.except for getting all hyped up, i have nothing to do now. i shall go to the gym. getting back some discipline these days. good job!=DDD
Songs that always bring me back to the memories of certain periods of my life.

My pri sch days.One of the mvs i clearly rmb. reminds me of the saturdays at home when sis and i fight over the tv at home.they used to screen mtv every saturday mornings.or was it sundays? but weekends were the only times we had access to the tv when mum wasnt at home.cos we had a strict notv rule to adhere to then. And when mum wasnt at home it meant no work done basically! Hahaaaaa. weekends were fun.=)

and this. forever no.1 on mtv i rmb.madonna and the cowboys.

Voulez vous coucher avec mo
LADY MARMALADE. never bothered to figure out the lyrics. but i liked it alot then.=D

Secondary sch days


Olevels mugging days song when tancossin never fails to frustrate me.

ths song for A LEVELS. perfect mugging song.

BSB inconsolable was also on repeat mode for A levels.

i love old school. =D